
GKA Kuljetuslaukku Arctic Cat

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Tuotetta ei ole tällä hetkellä verkkokaupan varastossa. Katso tuotteen myymäläsaatavuus alta.


Vantaa: 0 kpl

Tampere: 0 kpl

Turku: 0 kpl

  • Valmistettu tukevasta muovista
  • Vesitiivis
  • Lukittavissa
  • Kiinnitys: U-Pulttisarja
  • Mitat: 560 x 470 x 550mm
  • Paino: 5,9 KG
  • 70L

The snowmobile BOX is made of frost-proof reinforced polyethylene, which will serve for many years. Due to its form it can be comfortable positioned on the regular place. Rubberized locks easily withstand minus temperatures and can’t get snowed and frozen. The comfortable ground is placed on the cover. It allows positioning canisters GKA of 4, 5, 10, 12 liters volume. The fastener BASIC is recommended for usage.

Compatible with: Bearcat 570, Bearcat 570 XT, Arctic Cat Bearcat Z1 XT, Bearcat Z1 XT GS, Bearcat Z1 XT LTD.

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