GKA Kuljetuslaukku C401/4438
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Vantaa: 0 kpl
Tampere: 0 kpl
Turku: 0 kpl
Tukkusaldo: Yli 10 kpl (?)Tukusta tilattavien tuotteiden toimitusaika on noin 2-3 arkipäivää.
- Valmistettu tukevasta muovista
- Lukitavissa
- Kiinnitys: D-Pulttisarja
- Mitat: 700 x 933 x 433mm
- Paino: 9,95 KG
- 75L
ATV Box GKA C 401 was designed especially for the comfort of a passenger. It is supplemented with comfortable armrests, handles and backrest. The ATV BOX C 401 is a good solution for far expeditions, as well as for serious exploitation in the conditions of severe impassibility and for family vacation. Due to the construction of its bottom it is a good solution for installation on the ATV with minimal size of a trunk. The ATV BOX C 401 is one of the most capacious in its class. It can contain two helmets. The hollow armrests make an additional volume.
– A quick-release backrest is in the set.
– Rubber sealant on the cover above protects the ATV Box from getting wet..
– Metal locks with keys.
– One red reflector on the back part of the ATV Box.
– Universal adjusting mounting set of the U-form is easily installed.
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