GKA Kuljetuslaukku S304
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Turku: 0 kpl
Tukkusaldo: Yli 10 kpl (?)Tukusta tilattavien tuotteiden toimitusaika on noin 2-3 arkipäivää.
- Yleismalli
- Kiinnitys: D-Pulttisarja
- Mitat: 588 x 1008 x 382mm
- Paino: 7,95 KG
- 75L
GKA S 304 is one of the most popular ATV BOXes in the world. This ATV BOX is a slightly completed version of an original ATV BOX BRP – G1. Due to its successful design this ATV Box will be an adornment on each machinery. The successful form makes it one of the most durable ATV BOX in its class. The ATV BOX GKA S 304 is a good solution for far expeditions, as well as for serious exploitation in the conditions of severe impassibility and for family vacation. The rubber sealant profile D makes the ATV BOX more hermetic.
– It is made of first class import high density plastic.
– Rubber sealant on the cover above protects the ATV BOX from getting wet.
– Rubber lock.
– Two red reflector on the back part of the ATV BOX and two red on the sides.
– Universal adjusting mounting set of the U-form is easily installed.
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