
TESSERACT Kuljetuslaukku CFMoto X8 X10 850 1000 Gen 3 2024-

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Tukkusaldo: ✔ Yli 10 kpl (?)Tukusta tilattavien tuotteiden toimitusaika on noin 2-3 arkipäivää.

  • Valmistettu tukevasta muovista
  • Lukittavissa
  • Mitat: 1126 x 640 x 370mm
  • Paino: 10 KG
  • 120L

Larger box with more storage space. Designed for CFMOTO CFORCE 850/1000 (2024) and suits for this model only.
It fits perfectly on the luggage rack and neither bothers the passenger nor protrudes beyond dimensions of the quad. It will be an ideal complement to your ATV.
Durable metal locks with keys will ensure the safety of your items.
The sealing rubber on box top will protect your belongings from humidity, dirt, and dust even in the toughest conditions.
The ATV box goes with quick-release fasteners that are installed into regular holes in the luggage rack.

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